We want to hear from you!
Thank you for attending today's Metaverse, Digital Twins and Virtual First Storytelling Event.

Part Two Is Coming Soon...https://youtu.be/WxPa5qUG6rY

We’re hard at work making improvements to our products. But, one thing is missing: your feedback.

Can you spare 5 minutes to answer a few questions for us? It’ll go a long way towards improving your experience with the Virtual Reality Collaboration Lab (VRCOLAB).

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We’re excited to see what you have to say!

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Based on your experience, how likely would you recommend VRCOLAB to a friend or colleague? *
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Would you be willing to share the main reason for your score?
What should VRCOLAB focus on improving? Choose as many as you like. *
That’s It. Thank you so much for your feedback!
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