Chimp Crazy Documentary - Questionnaire from Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest
Let us know if you plan to watch the four-part HBO documentary "Chimp Crazy" and if you'd like to take part in a virtual discussion group during the airing of the series. Though it may be sensationalized (it is from the producers of Tiger King), we've heard that the documentary illustrates why primates should not be pets. We believe/hope it has the potential to make a positive difference, reaching people who don't already care about this issue.
Chimp Crazy trailer
Do you plan to watch the HBO documentary Chimp Crazy, streaming on Max (four episodes each Sunday starting on August 18th)?
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Why or why not?
Would you be interested in joining a virtual discussion group, hosted by Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest, about the series once it begins?
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Are you aware of the Captive Primate Safety Act?
From Animal Welfare Institute (AWI): The Captive Primate Safety Act would amend the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981 to prohibit any interstate or foreign commerce involving nonhuman primates for the exotic pet trade, including sale, transportation, and acquisition.
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Would you consider reaching out to your representative about the Captive Primate Safety Act? You can do so at this link from Animal Legal Defense Fund (scroll down to the bottom):
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