IFA Chicago Volunteer Intake Form
Thank you for your interest in becoming an IFA Chicago volunteer! You're helping us build an incredible community, and we hope to help you gain extraordinary experiences. 

Please fill out this form so we can add you to our lists. Volunteers are on a per-event basis, so you'll never have to work without specifically replying to a call.

Questions? Email Winter Davis: winter@ifachicago.org

-The IFA Chicago Team
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Name: *
Email: *
Phone Number: *
Your pronouns, if you're comfortable sharing:
Are you over age 21?  *
(This is just pertinent to events with alcohol.)
Do you have a valid driver's license? *
Do you have access to a vehicle? *
What are your dietary and/or accessibility needs?
We want to make sure there is food you can eat, and that your comfort and mobility requirements are met. Please provide details in the "Other" section, or select None. 
Any special skills? 
What do you like doing most in a volunteer shift? 
Anything else you'd like us to know? 
(If nothing to mention, please type n/a.)
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