Global Cloud Partner Association Interest Form

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Please fill out the form below if you are interested in joining the Global Cloud Partner Association
Business Name *
Your name *
Email *
No group emails please.  Your own BUSINESS email account
A link to your partner listing or the Distributor you use? *
Please provide a link to your partner listing on the Google Cloud Partner Directory or tell us who your distributor for Google Workspace is -
Job Position *
A short summary of your business, type of partner and focus area *
Are you an owner within the business? *
Region/Country *
Products *
How long have you been a Google Cloud Partner? *
In Google's Partner Advantage Program what level of Google Cloud Partner are you? *
Company Revenue *
We are focused on the leading small - medium sized partners in the eco system.  Give us an idea of your size.
What percentage (%) of your overall business revenue comes from Google related products or services *
Approx turnover of the business that comes from Google related activities
Number of Employees *
We're interested in your available number of employees.  We don't mind if you use contractors or non permanent employees
Are you happy for your contact information to be shared with other Google Partners? *
I can confirm I would like to become a member of the Google Cloud Partner Association *
Comments or questions
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