Questionnaire for the DCC Program (July, 2023)
Due on August 2, 2023 
Your replies will be made anonymous, yet some of them may be used to recruit Nagoya Students to the program. 

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Your name  *
(1) Overall, how would you evaluate this workshop? *
(2) How would you rate the usefulness of the content? *
(3) How did you feel about the English language used in the program? *
Easy to follow
Difficult to follow
(4) How much effort did you put in to communicate in English? *
No effort
A lot of effort
(5) Did you have a lot to learn from the program?  *
A lot
(6) Please describe what you learned in this program. (日本語での回答可) *
(7) What was most beneficial about the program? (日本語での回答可) 

(8) What did find unpleasant about the program (if any)? (日本語での回答可) *
(9) How much would you recommend this program to other students of Nagoya University? *
Not recommend at all
Highly recommended
(10) Please write your impression about the course to encourage Nagoya University students to participate in the course.  *
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