Mananas Membership Form
The Mananas Creatives is an Art and Creative agency based in Kenya that works to develop and nurture a Creative voice in the industry. We believe that through building individuals, establishing vibrant markets, and creating meaningful networks, we will improve the livelihood of the creatives. Empowered creatives are individuals who have skills, knowledge, and opportunity to play a role in their creative businesses, establishing vast networks and influencing the direction of their society.
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Name *
Email *
Phone number
Age *
Where are you based? *
Are you part of another art community?
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If yes, which community is it?
As join our hub, what would you hope to achieve?
Membership fee: Payment details
1. Registration fee: Ksh. 300
2. Annual Membership fee: Ksh. 3000
3. Total due : Ksh. 3300
4. M- Pesa Till no: 5741837 (MANANAS CREATIVES)

Paying through the bank
5. Stanbic Paybill: 600100
6. Stanbic Account: 0100008893327
M-Pesa Payment confirmation number. *
I confirm that *
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