TEDxUniversityofMississippi Ticket Submission
Thank you for your interest in TEDxUniversityofMississippi's 2023 event: Facing Forward.

Tickets are FREE TO ALL, thanks to Student Activity Fees (SAF). Please fill out the form below to receive order confirmation. 

After you submit, you will receive a copy of your responses. Please bring the confirmation with you to the event (on your phone/device or printed). If you need to update your order, you will be able to reopen your order and edit it.

Please also be aware, TED National will send a post-event, one question survey to your email after the event. TED does not sell, publish, or share your information, and neither do we.

If you need accommodations, please email Emma Brewer at tedx@olemiss.edu. Requests should be made by 2/15/23.

Thank you for your cooperation and support!
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Email *
Provide your First and Last name. *
How many tickets are you requesting? *
SAF asks you to list Names and Student IDs for each UMiss student requesting a ticket. (If you are not requesting for UMiss students, enter "no students.") *
Do you wish to be added to a mailing list? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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