Connect@RC: A Community Virtual Get-Together
Ready to be part of a vibrant and passionate community keen to make an impact in mental health solutioning?

If you answer is YES, we would love to get to know you!
Resilience Collective is hosting an online gathering for existing members and newcomers, who are interested to know about what we do and the upcoming opportunities for all to be involved in.

You will gain insights on how collectively, we can create meaningful and sustainable initiatives to impact the mental health community.

Did we mention that there will be fun and exciting activities, and Grab vouchers as well?

Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, 14 July 2021
Time: 6.00pm - 7.30pm
(Zoom details will be sent after registration)

RSVP by Tuesday, 13 July 2021 to register for the event.

Thank you and we look forward to meet everyone!  

Resilience Collective Team
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Email *
I am attending Connect@RC virtual get-together on Wednesday, 14 July from 6:00pm-7:30pm. *
Please indicate how did you find out about our community virtual get-together? *
Name *
Mobile Number *
Age *
Gender *
Which of our programmes and initiatives would you like to know more about? Please let us know your preferred two choices and we will do our best to put you in your preferred room :-)
Preferred choice 1
Preferred choice 2
Breakout room 1: Resilience Education Workshop Series (Cohort)
Breakout room 2: Peer Support Initiatives
Breakout room 3: Community Outreach Events
Breakout room 4: Youth-focused Initiatives
Breakout room 5: Workplace-focused initiatives
Any room works for me!
Would you like to be on our mailing list to receive updates of RC's community engagement opportunities and events? *
All personal data collected in this form will be used only for the purpose set out in Resilience Collective's Data Protection Policy and for the usage of photos during the event on RC's social media platforms. Thank you for filling up the registration form. We will be in touch shortly.
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