AKG Workers Bargaining Survey 

We want to make the Buffalo AKG the best museum for our guests, and the best place to work! We ask our guests to fill out surveys to capture their feedback, so now it's our turn! The following survey is intended to give the Bargaining Committee input on the variety of challenges that we face within our workplace and direction when we sit down to work with the Leadership Team. We are also looking to ensure that what we enjoy and love about working at the Buffalo AKG is preserved, so please be sure to answer those questions as well.

Here is a quick overview of how bargaining works, now that we have won our union:

  1. We will democratically elect a “Bargaining Committee” that will represent workers at the AKG. Any eligible AKG worker can join the committee. This committee can be as large as we want it to be! 
  2. The Bargaining Committee will use responses to this survey in order to draft bargaining proposals. These proposals will encompass everything from wages to policies on discipline and terminations. 
  3. After the proposals are done, the Bargaining Committee will present them to Leadership. Leadership can either agree to our proposals or provide counter-proposals. The committee will continue to discuss proposals with Leadership until an agreement is made. 
  4. After a tentative contract is proposed, every eligible worker will vote on whether or not to accept the contract. 
  5. If the vote passes, the contract will be ratified. If the vote fails, the committee will go back to bargaining. 
  6. No union dues are paid until AFTER the contract is voted on and ratified. 

There is no guarantee every concern raised can be addressed in our first contract, but we hope that every worker will offer input.

*** Note: We know there are a lot of questions! Feel free to answer all of them, or only those that feel the most important to you. If you are uncomfortable sharing any of the information requested, skip it! Remember that this is a jumping off point for more discussions. Results will be anonymous, and shared with the Bargaining Committee once they are elected.

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Name (Optional)
What department do you work in? 
Clear selection
What do you like the most about your job? What do you want to stay the same?
What do you want to change?
Do you feel comfortable sharing thoughts and concerns about workplace culture, policies, and job responsibilities with Leadership?
Very Uncomfortable
Very Comfortable
How responsive is your direct manager(s) to your concerns?  *
Not Responsive
Very Responsive
How responsive is upper management/leadership to your concerns?  *
Not Responsive
Very Responsive
Do you have any comments about the responsiveness to management or leadership to workers concerns?
Are you able to meet your financial needs with your current income?
Not at all
Very Comfortable
What do you think a fair rate of pay would be? (Ex. $10 per hour, $21 per hour, etc.) 
With inflation skyrocketing, how interested are you in a COLA (Cost Of Living Adjustment) as one of the proposals we present to Leadership?
Not Interested
Very Interested
Do you favor wage increases tied to job performance?
How important is some type of reward for longevity or seniority to you? 
Not Important
Very Important
Comments on wages or seniority, if you have them:
How important is to you that we negotiate minimum staffing levels? 
Not Important
Very Important
How important is flexibility within your schedule?
Not Important
Very Important
On a scale of 1-5, how fairly do you think management disciplines workers?
Not Fair
Very Fair
Currently we are all “at will” employees at the Buffalo AKG. That means we can be fired or disciplined for anything except a type of discrimination protected by law.  In most union contracts there is a “just cause” clause which means you cannot be fired except for a fair reason. How important is a "just cause" clause to you? 
Not Important
Very Important
Currently, there is no formal procedure or due process to resolve our complaints. Do you favor setting up a grievance or complaint procedure within the union contract with a neutral judge having the final say if disputes cannot be resolved?
Comments on discipline or responsiveness to grievances in the workplace:
Do you believe your job description adequately matches the expectations of your job duties? 
Comments on your job description and workplace expectations:
What are the benefits you value the most at the AKG?
How comfortable do you feel with the current healthcare policy?  *
Not Comfortable
Very Comfortable
What kinds of policies/additions would you like to see add to the healthcare plan? Any other comments about healthcare benefits:
How would you rate the Paid Time Off (PTO) policy at the AKG?  *
Not Good
Very Good
How would you rate the current sick time policy at the AKG? *
Not Good
Very Good
Comments about PTO, sick time, floating holidays, or other types of pay polices you would like:
Are there benefits you feel the AKG is missing?
How safe do you feel at the AKG while performing your job?  *
Not Safe
Very Safe
Are there specific injuries, accidents or emergencies,  if any, that you are concerned about while performing your job?
How responsive do you feel leadership is to security concerns at the museum? 
Not Responsive
Very Responsive
What security concerns, if any, do you have? 
How would you rate the AKG's concern for your mental health and well-being? 
Not Concerned
Very Concerned
Some union contracts have joint labor management committees where representatives of our union would meet with management to discuss any issues and concerns. This is also an opportunity for our union and the AKG to work collaboratively on any community or museum initiative! How important is it to you that we add this to our contract?
Not Important
Very Important
Do you want to get more involved with the union campaign? Do you want to join any of the following committees? 
Is there anything else that you think we missed that you want to add?
Email (Optional)
Phone Number (Optional)
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