XULAVA Tet Night Performance
Thank you for showing interest in performing at our Moon Festival, which in collaboration with the Chinese Mahjong Club! Please fill out the form as soon as possible. One of our eboard members will be contacting you soon via text or email.
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
What will you be performing? *
Please give a video reference i.e. if you have a video of you performing your talent, upload it.
List items that you will need for your performance (examples include mics, mic stands, stools, etc) and items that you are providing *
By agreeing to perform at XULAVA’s Tet Night, you are also agreeing to attend the mandatory sound check before Tet Night (February 7, 5:30-9:30 PM). If you are unable to attend a sound check for any reason, you are responsible for notifying any of the eboard members and agree to attend sound check the day of Tet Night. *
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