Focus Tools ATP Workshops
Hi there and thank you for your interest in our ATP workshops!

ATP (Advancing Team Performance) is our popular workshop using our proven approach to support teams, based on over 20 years of marketplace results. It focuses on assessing and executing the five core “musts” for successful teams: Team Purpose, Team Scope & Individual Roles, Team Goals, Team Norms & Strong Relationships.

ATP is a series of processes and tools that, when effectively applied, helps teams achieve their purpose and goals and maintain healthy and productive work relationships.

The investment for ATP is typically $10,000 USD per team for up to 15 people and includes ATP online course access and live workshops for chosen ATP components. We can accommodate more team members and customize the workshop for in-person or virtual training - contact us for pricing. Once your form is submitted, we will reach out to set up a 30-minute virtual meeting with our FOCUS Coaches to discuss your team's needs and goals.

You may direct any questions to Thank you for your interest in Focus Performance Systems!
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