MedicalAPPS Airdrop ROUND#2
What is MedicalAPPS?
MedicalAPPS is a cryptocurrency trading platform for the blockchain that will simplify trading of all the leading cryptocurrencies by market capitalization and trading volume and allow everyone with a smartphone to trade on a clean and intuitive and thus user friendly interface. The user interface layers over the technical data and analysis to continuously generate buy, sell and hold signals, allowing anyone without the technical knowledge to successfully trade cryptocurrencies by leveraging the technical backend.
MedicalAPPS is built on the Ethereum ERC20 standard, and can be freely stored in any secure wallet with private keys such as MyEtherWallet, Mist, Jaxx, Exodus, Metamask, Ledger Nano S or Trezor.

How to join?
- Claim token in here (bonus 100 MedicalAPPS)
- Claim token in here (Bonus 100 MedicalAPPS)
- Claim Token in here (Bonus 100 MedicalAPPS)
- Claim Token in here (Bonus 100 MedicalAPPS)

-Tweet share link use hastag #MEDICAL #APPS # AIRDROP (Bonus 250 MedicalAPPS)
- Share link fecebook (Bonus 250 MedicalAPPS)

Airdrop 2 is limited to 5000 Participants!
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