Jumpstart Cohort 5 Employers

Thank you for your interest in providing paid summer internships to our Jumpstart Fellowship students. The diverse group consists of high school Juniors and Seniors who have gone thru our Jumpstart curriculum which includes Design (Solidworks), Fabrication (Machining, soldering and 3D printing), Coding (Python), and Professional Development.

Company Commitment:

  • Be open to a company tour with our Jumpstart Fellowship students (between Jan-April 2025)
  • Hire students with fair pay (provide job description) - prefer hiring 2
  • Treat students as employees
  • Assign a staff mentor (preferably female)
  • Provide meaningful work (can be project based, job shadowing, or a combination)

We request companies to be close in proximity to either Boston or Lowell, where the girls are from. 

Please share your information if you are interested in learning more or participating in this program.

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