網上決志信主回應表                                                   Online Response for Following Jesus Christ
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你願意作以下的禱告來接受主耶穌嗎?                                                                                                                                                                                                                         【親愛的天父,我多謝袮愛我,我承認我是罪人, 求袮赦免。我相信主耶穌基督為我的罪被釘死在十字架上, 而且為我復活。我願意接受主耶穌為我的救主, 求主耶穌現在進入我心中作我的主宰, 賜恩幫助我離開罪惡, 過討袮喜悅的生活。奉主耶穌的名求, 阿們! 】Are you willing to pray the prayer below to accept Jesus Christ?      (Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me.  I believe I am sinner and I beg for your forgiveness.  I trust that your son Jesus Christ die for my sin on the cross and resurrect on the third day.  I am willing to accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour.  I pray that Jesus Christ enter my heart and become my Lord.  Grant me the grace so that I can turn away from sins, and live a life pleasing to you. I pray this sincerely in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen! ) *
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