Visual Arts in ELT Online Course Registration Form
Registration: 11.1.2023-20.2.2023
Start date: 25.2.2023
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Name *
Surname *
Email *
Country *
Years of teaching English *
Have you ever used visual arts in your teaching (graphic novels, comics, photography...)? *
If you answered Yes to the previous question, can you explain briefly how you used visual arts in your teaching? *
What do you expect to gain from this course? *
All course participants will be issued an invoice. Once the payment has been received (one week before the course commencement date), we will confirm your place on the course. By ticking the box you agree to terms and conditions. *
Symmetry DOOEL, Skopje reserves the right to cancel the course if the minimum number of participants has not been reached (min. 6 participants).  By ticking the box you agree to terms and conditions. *
I agree to share the information with Symmetry DOOEL, Skopje for purposes of registering for the Visual Arts in ELT Online Course. The information collected through this form shall not be shared with any third parties. Email addresses shall serve only for communication purposes with the course participants. *
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