EdTech Situation Room Listener Survey
Please complete this survey if you've listened to at least 1 episode of "The EdTech Situation Room" webshow and podcast! Check out archived shows in audio and video formats on http://edtechsr.com and follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/edtechsr
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Location *
Where do you listen to the EdTech Situation Room from? (Your city/town, state and country)
Format *
What is your preferred format to listen and/or watch our show?
Favorite Aspects *
What are your favorite aspects of the show? What should we do or discuss more?
Improvements *
How could we improve the show?
Future Topics *
What topics would like to see us address in future episodes?
Optional: Twitter
This is optional, but if you're on Twitter we'd like to follow you back. Share your Twitter ID, your name, and contact info/email if you want to with us.
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