Group Dynamics
After doing the notes on Group Sociology answer the following series of thought questions connected to the idea of Group Dynamics. For this activity you will be examining a specific group. This could be a religious group, family group, sports team, school activity, etc…

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Name (Last, First) *
a. Which group will you be examining? *
b. What is the purpose of the particular group? *
c. How do members within the group interact? What are the expectations for members of the group? *
d. What types of rules or norms does the group have? *
e. What type of role does leadership have within the group? How are/were leaders selected? *
f. What other types of groups does this group interact with? How do they interact with those other groups? *
g. How are members added to the group? What is the process for incorporating new members into the group? *
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