Public Announcement: JULY-OCTOBER 2016
Hello everyone,
The Internet Society was formed officially in 1992 by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn with one of its purposes being to provide a corporate structure to support the Internet standards development process.
ISOC provides opportunities to local communities to get engaged in development of technical internet standards. Most of countries in the world have established ISOC chapter to coordinate local events and even facilitate attending global events in domain of internet governance.
It is interesting to know that the Internet Society is the parent corporation of the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) which is responsible to work on Standards such as Usage of Ports / Protocols in the internet.
The main office of ISOC is located in Reston, Virginia USA, and due to USA sanctions, Iran was among rare countries which couldn't have a chapter so far.
Recent political changes, has made a new opportunity to join ISOC as a new chapter after 24 years. Based on mandates, to form a Chapter in each countries, academia, active civil society members in internet domain and IT / Computer technical people are best candidates to join. Before shaping the Chapter in Iran, we should have enough members in ISOC.Org . So if you are interested in ISOC, we invite you to join for free (link provided below) and then fill up this form afterwards.
Your contact information will be kept safe, and once the official coordination is done, we will inform you about formation of ISOC chapter in IRAN. You will be one of the first members of this chapter as well.
We encourage you to join first and then continue filling up this form , as we need your user name in ISOC to include in our chapter list.
Learn more about ISOC: Webstie:
http://www.isoc.orgJoin as Member (Free membership for individuals): of joining:
- Participate in, our exclusive member community and discussion groups
- Be a part of Internet Society conferences, educational events, announcements, briefings, and newsletters
- Join an existing Chapter in your country / region
On Behalf of Founding Committee
Alireza Kashian / CEO of ROJINA / Member of ISOC / ICANN / IETF / IEEE
Kaveh Ranjbard / CIO of RIPE NCC / Member of ISOC / ICANN / IETF