Music with Aditya: Sign Up
Hello! This is to get a quick overview of who you are and what you wish to take away from these sessions so that we can curate a roadmap that gets you to your goal quicker.
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Contact Number *
With country code
Nationality *
Date of Birth
Purpose of learning music *
Musical journey so far *
I’d love to know when and how you found your passion for music, your influences, any instruments that you play and/or want to play, who all you have learnt from and/or are currently learning from, youtube/spotify/soundcloud links of your works or works that you have been a part of, and anything else that you’d like to share.

And if you’re just starting out, I should tell you that I love clean slates.
Number of session hours per week you are willing to devote to music *
Number of hours per week you are willing to devote to self practice *
Anything else that you would like to share
On what date would you like to begin sessions *
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