BWHS Alumni Transcript Request Form
This form is for graduates of Big Walnut High School only.  Please complete the form below to request your high school transcript. If you are a high school student, you must use Schoolinks or contact your counselor if a transcript is needed.  If you have any questions, please contact Cindi Strahler or Amanda Isganitis at 740-965-2243. You will not receive confirmation that the transcript has been sent.  Please allow 7- 10 business days for processing

****FOR EDUCATION VERIFICATIONS FOR THIRD PARTY COMPANIES -  an email will be sent confirming or denying graduation status. If you need a copy of a transcript, please make a note in the comment section of this form.****
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Full name at time of graduation: *
Did you graduate? *
Graduation year: *
Date of Birth: *
Who is the transcript being sent to: *
How would you like your transcript sent: *
Recipient's email address if requesting to be emailed: 
Recipient's street address if requesting to be sent by US Post Office (name, street address, city, state & zip):
Additional Comments
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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