Screen XXY at GLOBALEyes Film Festival
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XXY is available to screen March 19 to 26 and attendance is limited to the first 60 viewers.

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UBC GLOBALEyes Film Festival “The Construction of Woman” | FREE & open to the public

The Inaugural 2021 GLOBALEyes Film Fest “The Construction of Woman” brings together films from around the world to provoke insight into, and discussion of, how locations around the globe construct the role of women in society. The festival consists of four films available for a week of viewing, and a schedule of live film talks with UBC students, staff, faculty and alumni. This event is produced in partnership with UBC SVPRO and talks are hosted by the festival’s Artistic Director Coral Santana, an Afro-Latina storyteller, producer, and activist.

Friday March 26 @ 5pm on Zoom Join us for a live discussion of the film with our guest, UBC Lecturer Dr. María Adelaida Escobar Trujillo. The talk will also be streamed live to our UBC Arts & Culture Facebook Page. You'll also receive a link to the talk with this RSVP.

XXY (2007) directed by Lucia Puenzo | ARGENTINA

XXY is a 2007 drama film written and directed by Lucía Puenzo. Starring Ricardo Darín, Valeria Bertuccelli, Inés Efron, and Martín Piroyansky, the film tells the story of a 15-year-old intersex person, the way her family copes with her condition and the ultimate decision that she must eventually make as she struggles to define her own gender identity amongst a society that expects certain behaviors.

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