Sign Up to Help Our Endorsed Alderpeople & Mayor Get Elected with ONE People's Campaign!
Victory -- our candidates are going to the runoff election on Tuesday, April 4th!

Brandon Johnson will face off against Paul Vallas in the race for mayor, Angela Clay will face Kim Walz for 46th Ward Alderperson, and Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth is facing Joe Dunn for 48th Ward Alderperson. 

The stakes are higher than ever -- we need leaders who will move our city forward and invest in our communities, instead of go backwards and depend on policing and corporations to solve all of our city's problems. Help us make sure our candidates win!
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Last Name *
Phone *
Email (If you don't use email, just put "none") *
Street Address (If you don't have one, just put "none") *
Ward, if you know it
Phonebanking is how we reach voters by phone. Our phonebanks will take place in a hybrid manner -- you can phonebank from home on Zoom or come into the OPC office (4648 N. Racine).  We always start each phonebank with a training to make sure people feel prepared as possible to phonebank, and we all stay on the Zoom to continue to support each other. 
We will be doing a huge push the weekend before election day, April 1-April 3, to get our supporters out to the polls. We will be phonebanking and canvassing, with options to phonebank in-person at our office 4648 N Racine, or virtually. 
Yes, I want to help out on GOTV weekend in the 46th ward!
We will be out on the doors ALL DAY on election day! We will have multiple shifts throughout the day. We may also virtual phonebanking options.
46th ward: I want to help out on election day!
48th ward: I want to help out on election day!
Send me where you need me on election day!
On election day, I prefer to be in this general area:
I need help getting to the canvass events
What is your gender?
How do you identify racially?
How do you identify your economic class, low-income/medium-income/high-income etc.?
Any other accessibility needs or concerns?
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