Welcome to the LarisB ArtFight Hit-List Form!
Hello there! Do you want to get your characters attacked by me? Well, you're in the right place! Simply fill out this form and I'll take a look at your account :))

I do:
  • Friendly Fires
  • Revenges, but only some of the time (depends on whether I think your characters are cool and rad)
P.S. I only draw humans. Furries are 50/50 it highly depends on the style/species of your furry character because I can't draw more complex species (dragons, bugs, etc etc) I can also do object OCs (e.g. BFDI style), but I generally don't draw them, but I can!

[ I do not draw heavy gore/body horror, suggestive/fetish art, and sensitive content involving but not limited to death & the likes ]

Please note that answering this form does NOT guarantee that you and your characters will be attacked; this is just simply a way for me to diversify my target hunting and to find characters I'm more willing to draw :)
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[ ——— ❖ ABOUT YOU ❖ ——— ]
The URL of your ArtFight account: *
What team are you on? [Both will be given equal and a fair amount of attention] *
Do you attack back? *
[ ——— ❖ THE ACTUAL ART STUFF ❖ ——— ]
Do you have any characters that check the following boxes? If your character(s) tick(s) at least any one of these boxes, I am considerably more likely to attack [see text field below for AF characters I'd prefer to draw] *
Here are some characters I like! If your character has the general vibes (e.g. cartoony silly fun character) as these characters I am exponentially MORE likely to draw them!
If you'd prefer, tell me a little something about your OCs that you think will make me more likely to attack them:
What kind of attack would you like to receive?
How faithful would you like my art of your characters to be?
As faithful & close as possible to the original source material, with only a few things changed here and there
Go wild!
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Which character would you like me to draw, if any? Leave blank for any character in your repertoire
Assuming I do attack you, would you like alternate versions of my attacks (no background, unrendered version, etc etc) sent to you through ArtFight DMs? *
Any thing you need me to know about? Could be a little disclaimer about your OCs, a little blurb, anything? :)
Thanks for answering! Have a good day :)
Please note that I post all my attacks on Instagram, Twitter/X, the usual with full credits—if you object to that please let me know!
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