Cavemen Coaches Hall of Fame Nomination
Upon receipt of a nominee, the committee will meet at the next Coaches Meeting to discuss and take a vote on the nomination.  The committee will consist of all inductees, athletic directors and current head coaches that have been coaching at AFHS for more than 5 years.  It will take an 80% vote for a nominee to be inducted.  You will be notified of the results.
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Coaches Name: *
Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Both *
Your Name: *
Your Phone Number: *
How many years has the nominee coached at AFHS *
Sport(s) coached *
State Championships Won: (Sport, Year) *
State Runner-ups: (Sport, Year) *
Region Championships Won: (Sport, Year)
Individual State Champions (Does Not Apply to Team Sports) *
Top 5 state final ranking or placing (Place or Rank, Sport, Year) *
Any other items for the Hall of Fame Committee to consider? *
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