Registration for Layl Ash-Shayr
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb dear poetry enthusiasts!

Thank you for your interest in attending our upcoming poetry open-mic! Here are some important details you should take note of before filling up this form:

Day/Date: Thursday, 14th September 2023

Time: 7.45pm - 9.30pm

Venue: 58 Bussorah Street, Wardah Books, Reading Loft (level 2)

This registration form is for both potential open-miccers* as well as audience members. You may indicate accordingly as you fill the form.

*Do note that we are only accepting Muslim poets for the open mic to elevate these oft unheard voices! 
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My name is:  *
My Telegram handle is: *
This will be for any communication/liaison that may need to happen before/after the event. This is especially important for those of you who intend to be open-miccers. If you do not use Telegram, feel free to give us your Instagram handle instead but please indicate below as such, "@lails_lit (IG)"
I am attending as a/an: *
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