Cost-sharing Scholarship application
If you would like to be considered for a Cost-sharing Scholarship, please complete the following form and an Andrus Center representative will be in touch with you. The Andrus Center will make purchased scholarships available to qualifying registrants for a nominal $30 entrance fee. Select sponsors and individuals have generously provided resources to the cost-sharing scholarship program to minimize any barriers for attendee engagement and in support of the Women and Leadership conference vision.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Organization, if any
Attendee email address *
Phone number *
Please provide a brief summary of how COVID-19 and/or recent events have directly affected you financially. *
Gender *
Age *
Education Level *
Current Position *
Field *
Why are you hoping to attend? *
How did you hear about the Andrus Center Women and Leadership Conference *
Have you attended the Women and Leadership Conference in the past? *
Have you attended a virtual conference online before?
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