2019 Bob Dickerson Award Nomination Form
For more than 15 years, Bob Dickerson (Seattle, WA) was an inspiring RESULTS grassroots volunteer leader - tireless in his advocacy, unstinting in his encouragement and support of other activists, and a generous financial supporter of RESULTS' work.  Bob carried in his heart every day, a sense of what living in poverty means for people everywhere, and channeled that emotion into action. From forging strong relationships with members of Congress, to generating media, galvanizing local volunteers and calling his community to action, Bob proved that an individual can exercise their power as an advocate to create remarkable change in the world. Our volunteers are the bedrock of RESULTS, and Bob epitomizes the very best of what it means to be a grassroots advocate. We have created an annual award in his honor. Please use this form to nominate fellow advocates. Deadline for nominations is June 22, 2019. Two people will be awarded at the 2019 International Conference.
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Your Name
Your Email Address
Your Phone Number
Name of the person you want to nominate
Why are you nominating this person? Please include how this volunteer has contributed to achieving the mission of RESULTS, why they are a model for powerful citizen engagement, and why they inspire you. Please keep your answer to about one page.
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