Atlanta Erg Sprints Survey
Thanks for attending the Atlanta Erg Sprints.  Our volunteers put in a lot of hard work and are always looking for ways to improve. We'd love to hear your feedback.  Answer as many or as few questions as you'd like.  If you'd like to be notified about next year's event please go to the page
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What best describes you?
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How did you learn about this year's event?
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Competitors: What can we do to make the race day experience more enjoyable?
Spectators: What can we do to make the race day experience more enjoyable?
Venue and amenities: Is there anything we could do differently that would make your experience of the event better?
Communication: Do you feel that you received all the information about the event that you needed?  What improvements can we provide?
What additional merchandise or vendors would you like to see at the event?  
Anything else you'd like to give feedback about?
If you would like to be contacted about anything you wrote here please let us know how we can contact you.
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