Class-10,Manufacturing Industries
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Q1) Iron and steel are *
1 point
Q2) Chemical industries usually are located near *
1 point
Q3) Atomic power plant causes *
1 point
Q4) Out of the following which is a mineral-based industry? *
1 point
Q5) Which is the only self-reliant industry in India? *
1 point
Q6) Where was the first textile mill established? *
1 point
Q7) Which industry provides employment to weavers at home as a cottage industry? *
1 point
Q8) Which country has the largest installed capacity of spindles in the world? *
1 point
Q9) Out of the following which industry helps in the manufacture of telephones computers, radars, etc.? *
1 point
Q10) Which one of the following countries is the largest producer and consumer of steel in the world? *
1 point
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