Birth Doula Services
Thanks for your interest in our birth coaching services!  

Some of the questions in this form are a bit personal, so only fill out what you are comfortable answering, and know that we regard your information with the highest confidentiality.  We’ll do our best to connect you with a team member that best aligns with your expectations, needs, and budget.
We look forward to serving you!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact
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Email *
Birthing Person's Full Name: *
Support Person's Full Name:
Expected Due Date:
Home Address: *
City: *
Zip Code: *
Birthing Person's Phone Number: *
Support Person's Phone Number:
Support Person's Email:
How many babies are you currently pregnant with?
Number of previous pregnancies:
Have you experienced any fetal loss, abortion, sexual abuse or trauma you are concerned will affect your birth experience? We know this question is very personal. Please feel free to skip it or discuss in person. Research shows that loss, trauma, and abuse can affect fertility, pregnancy, and birth.
Number of Premature Births (babies born before 36 weeks)
Number of Living Children
Have you ever had a C-section?
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If YES, what were the circumstances surrounding the decision to have a C-Section?
Have you ever had a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean)?
Clear selection
Who is your care provider? Please indicate whether s/he is an OB, direct entry midwife, CNM, Family Practice MD, Other
Will you be applying for reimbursement from your insurance, Carrot, etc?  *
Where do you plan to give birth to your baby? *
Do you have any medical concerns we should be aware of?  Is so, please share:
How are you feeling about labor and delivery? What is your biggest fear about labor and delivery?
If you could labor and deliver your baby anywhere in the world, and not having to worry about your safety or that of your baby, where would your ideal birth take place?
When you are in pain, what types of personal comforts do you like to use?
Where do you hold tension in your body and what provides relief?
What questions do you have for the doula and or your provider ?
What price range are you expecting to pay for a birth coaches' services? Our team of birth coaches charge different price points, depending on experience and availability. Your response here helps us match you with the best candidate for your budget.  We're pleased to accept FSA/HRA/HSAs.  
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[OPTIONAL - Choose up to 3. Are there any specific members of our team that you are interested in interviewing? Meet our team at (Please note that requests are subject to doula availability) 
All of our new doulas undergo an apprenticeship with experienced doulas. Would you be comfortable with a new doula accompanying an experienced doula in your birth?
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How did you hear about Expecting Joy?
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