Teaching Position Application Form
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Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Birth date *
Nationality *
Only for foreigners: Please indicate up to which date you will stay in Buenos Aires:
Phone number (numbers only, do NOT include hyphen or spaces)
Cell phone number (numbers only, do NOT include hyphen or spaces) *
Home address *
Neighborhood *
Area *
C= Capital Federal P= Gran Buenos Aires (E.g. Lanús= P South; Belgrano= C North)
Academic Background *
G= Graduate / U= Undergraduate / Graduate Teacher = Profesorado para nivel Medio y Superior
Institution *
JVG= ISP "Dr. Joaquín V. González" / LV=  IES en Lenguas Vivas "Juan Ramón Fernandez" / Lenguitas= ENS en Lenguas Vivas "Sofía E. B. de Spangenberg" / UTN=  INSPT Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN).
Name of institutes where you have rendered your professional services:
Availability in 2023: *
Example: Mon 8:00-12:00 and Wed 12:00-15:00
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