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A2(Flyers) Test 5
State 2
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Read the conversation and choose the best answer for each answer. There is one example.
Peter: Aunt Rose, do you like your job?
Aunt Rose:
Yes, I do. I really enjoy it.
Isn't working in a shop boring?
Aunt Rose:
2 points
I have to do both things because it's only a small shop.
Just in the afternoon.
Of course. You can come tomorrow.
I do.You must have friends too.
I started there three an a haft years ago.
No, because you meet lots of different people every day.
Yes, I do. I really enjoy it.
Most of them are very nice and work hard.
What are your friends at work like?
Aunt Rose:
2 points
Yes, I do. I really enjoy it.
No, because you meet lots of different people every day.
Just in the afternoon.
I have to do both things because it's only a small shop.
Of course. You can come tomorrow.
I started there three an a haft years ago.
Most of them are very nice and work hard.
I do.You must have friends too.
Do you work in the office, or do you help the people who come into the shop?
Aunt Rose:
2 points
No, because you meet lots of different people every day.
Yes, I do. I really enjoy it.
I started there three an a haft years ago.
Just in the afternoon.
I do.You must have friends too.
Most of them are very nice and work hard.
I have to do both things because it's only a small shop.
Of course. You can come tomorrow.
How long have you worked in the shop?
Aunt Rose:
2 points
No, because you meet lots of different people every day.
I started there three an a haft years ago.
Yes, I do. I really enjoy it.
Just in the afternoon.
Most of them are very nice and work hard.
I have to do both things because it's only a small shop.
Of course. You can come tomorrow.
I do.You must have friends too.
Can I come and visit you there?
Aunt Rose:
2 points
Most of them are very nice and work hard.
I started there three an a haft years ago.
Of course. You can come tomorrow.
I have to do both things because it's only a small shop.
I do.You must have friends too.
Yes, I do. I really enjoy it.
No, because you meet lots of different people every day.
Just in the afternoon.
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