Registration form mentors 2024
Via this form you can register to become a mentor at the Freshmen Weekend of CH! The weekend takes place from the 9th to the 11th of August. During the weekend you will help the WIEWIE with guiding the freshmen during all of the fun activities we have planned. You can partner up with a friend or we can couple you to another mentor with whom you are going to form a group. At the Freshmen Weekend you will form this group with 10 excited freshmen with whom you will also participate in the OWee (introduction week of Delft). it is mandatory to participate in the OWee as well. This is from the 18th to the 22nd of August and will also be a lot of fun. To make sure that we all know everything that is necessary, you need to fill in this form.
The cost of participating as a mentor is €60 (you will get 30 euros back for being a owee mentor).
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