If you came to our website for at-home education, What grade level are your children? You may select more than one. *
Please select one of the following. *
How many times have you visited the GDOE Website? *
How did you find out about the Home Learning Resource page? *
What is the reason you visited our website? (You may select more than one). *
How likely are you to recommend our website to someone else? (lowest is 1, highest is 5) *
Very Likely
How easy was it to find information on our website? *
How can we improve the Home Learning Resource website?
Your answer
What did you like most about the website?
Your answer
Is there anything missing on this website?
Your answer
If you would like us to contact you with any concerns or questions for the website, please leave a valid e-mail address below or e-mail algarrido@gdoe.net (Responses within 72 hours)