Beginning Farmer & Rancher Scholarship Application
A scholarship opportunity for beginning farmers and ranchers with less than ten years of farm or ranch operation experience but, have at least started their farm/ranch operation plan and are in the process of beginning their farm/ranch. Scholarships are offered in the range of $50 (minimum) up to $300 to assist in funding educational opportunities that will help with the success in farming or ranching. Examples of approved educational opportunities include: to help pay for a farm or ranch related online course, attending an in-person conference or workshop. This scholarship will not be approved for the purchase of books.  

Applications will stay open until allocated funds are used. Participants are eligible for one scholarship per program year. You will be notified within 30 days, after submission, if you will or will not receive a scholarship. Please contact Bridget Luff ( with any questions.
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Email *
Contact Information:
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Phone Number:  *
Mailing Address: *
How did you hear about this scholarship? *
Farm or Ranch Information: 
Name of Farm or Ranch: (Please put "n/a" if you are an aspiring farmer or rancher, or if you do not have a farm/ranch name). *
Farm/Ranch website or social media page: (Please put "n/a" if you do not have a farm/ranch website or social media page).  *
How long have you been a farmer or rancher? (If you are an aspiring farmer or rancher, please state "aspiring farmer or rancher").  *
Intentions for Scholarship Use:
How much are you requesting in scholarship funds? (From $50 up to $300) *
What educational opportunity will you be using the scholarship for? Please be specific and provide a link if available.  *
How much does the educational opportunity cost to participate in?  *
How will the knowledge obtained from this educational opportunity be utilized in the success of your farm or ranch?  *
Demographic Information:
Race and Ethnicity *
Scholarship Agreement:
I agree that: *
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