Website/App Request Form
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Purpose of Form
This form is to help both the IT Department and Ed Services Department ensure the digital sites and tools that our students use are following the guidelines in the following laws, in addition to provide a vetting process to maintain academic integrity:

CIPA - Children's Internet Protection Act - This law requires the district the make sure that there is proper internet filtering, the district has an acceptable use policy in place, and digital citizenship education is provided to the students.

COPPA - Children's Online Privacy & Protection Act - This law governs how the personal information of children under the age of 13 can be collected, used and disclosed by online companies.  The district, including classroom teachers, are responsible to ensure there are no violations to this act.

FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act - This law protects the privacy of student education records and determines how and who the records can be released to.

Requestor (First and Last Name) *
Site: *
Name of Website or App *
URL (Website or URL to App in Microsoft/Apple Store) *
Is this app/website specifically designed for educational use? *
What is the function/purpose of the app? *
Why does the classroom/school require the app? *
Have you verified if there is a similar app/site already made available to the district? How is this app/site different from the others? *
How do the student logins get created/managed? *
Explain the cost of the app/site to the school/district: *
Does the app/site show advertisements within the app/site? *
What permissions does the app/site require? *
What user data is collected within the app? (If available, please enter link to user agreement or company's data privacy policy if possible.) *
Does the Terms of Service state the minimum age required to have an account and use the site? If so, what is that age? *
All requests must first be approved by your site administrator.
Please explain which SITE administrator approved the request, when the discussion with the administrator took place, and to what method they gave their approval (email, verbal, etc.) *
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