End of Day 1 Quiz
This quiz should be completed after the first day of medical training in the ward.  
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Name four things that must always be kept sterile. *
Timber’s Baytril medication dose is 1.5mL when given SQ. Baytril must be diluted with Lactated Ringers Solution (LRS) by 1:20 because the strong concentration of this drug can damage tissue and cause an abscess. How many mLs of LRS must be used to ensure an abscess does not form? *
Which of the below household cleaning agent[s] can kill Parvo? *
How does a dog most commonly contract Parvovirus? *
What two body systems are most commonly attacked by Parvovirus? *
Name four symptoms of Parvo. *
What is the typical incubation period from the time a dog is exposed to the time he or she starts showing symptoms? *
What are the two causes of death from Parvovirus? *
What are the three main routes for medications and what are their abbreviations? *
What are the two routes that fluids are administered into our sick patients? *
Why do we treat puppies in the ward by group? *
Name the five main medications we use in the ICU (primary and secondary medications) *
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