WOHS: GEAR UP Contact Information Form 2020
Dear Parents,

If your child attended the following schools at any time during the specified school year in the specified grades below, they are automatically a GEAR UP Student and is eligible for all GEAR UP Student Services.

School Year 2017 - 2018 (6th & 7th grade):
Douglas Byrd Middle School
Luther Nick Jerald's Middle School
Lewis Chapel Middle School
Westover Middle School

School Year 2018 - 2019 (7th & 8th grade)
Douglas Byrd Middle School
Luther Nick Jerald's Middle School
Lewis Chapel Middle School
Westover Middle School

School Year 2019 - 2020 (8th grade)
Douglas Byrd Middle School
Luther Nick Jerald's Middle School
Lewis Chapel Middle School
Westover Middle School

As a GEAR UP Parent, you are also eligible for all our GEAR UP Parent Services. All GEAR UP Services are FREE/NO COST.  We ask that you please out the following Contact Information Form so we may better assist you and your child during this 2020-2021 School Year.

Thank you for your help and assistance.

Please feel free to contact GEAR UP at 910-672-1034 or gearup@gmail.com or visit our website at www.uncfsu.edu/gearup.
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GEAR UP Parent Name *
Parent Phone Number *
Parent Email Address *
Current Mailing Address *
GEAR UP Student Name *
Student School & Grade *
If other, please give school name and grade
Student (personal email address) NOT CCS
Student Cell Phone (To receive GEAR UP updates)
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