DC-CAP STEM Careers Series Survey: Psychiatry
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Question 1
What are the differences between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?
Question 2

Write five words or terms that come to mind when you hear the word “psychiatry”.
Question 3

Name a college major that a Psychiatrist professional might study?
Question 4

What fields should a Psychiatrist have a strong understanding according to the video?

Question 5

Mental health conditions affect many people in society today. What kind of  conditions would a psychiatrist help their patients with?


Question 6

If you had to study one of the mentioned majors, which one would you choose and why?


Question 7

During this video, most likely you learned lots of new things about a career in Psychiatry. What is the most interesting thing you learned so far?


Question 8

Identify three takeaways from the Psychiatrist interview.

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