KQED Arts: Bay Area Artists' Survey
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Type of art practice (musician, painter, actor, etc.):
City where you live:
What is your monthly rent?
What type of unit do you live in (apartment, house, warehouse)?
How many people do you share the unit with?
Do you also pay studio rent? If so, how much per month?
Do you have other costs associated with your art (supplies, fees, promotion, etc.)?
Average monthly income from your art:
Do you have a day job? If so, how many?
Average monthly income from day job(s):
Do you have side hustles or freelance gigs unrelated to your art? If so, how many?
Average monthly income from side hustles:
Do you feel your race or gender identity has an impact on your ability to get by as an artist in the Bay Area?
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If yes, in what ways?
What would be your advice to other artists trying to make it in the Bay Area?
What are some of the creative ways that you cut corners?
What are some of the tools or resources you use to support your art practice (programs, apps, trade groups)?
What sort of action, by lawmakers or the public, do you believe could help artists most in the Bay Area?
Why do you choose to stay in the Bay Area despite its high cost of living?
Would KQED Arts have permission to use your name in conjunction with above information in an article or broadcast?
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