Refer The Ryan & Brian Real Estate Team
There is no better compliment than a referral from a client of someone that is looking to buy or sell or interested in a career in real estate in the next 6 months.
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1. What is your email address?
2. Who is providing the referral? (if coming from you provide your name)
3. What is your phone number?
5. What is your mailing address? (so that we can provide a little thank you gift)
6. Who are you referring?
7. Are they a buyer/seller or both?  Or interested in a career in real estate?
8. What is the best phone number to reach them?
9. What is their best email address?
10. If seller, what is the property address?
11. Preferred Agent on the Team for referral to be directed to? *If no preference, please put NA and referral will be directed at broker's discretion.* 
12. How did you hear about The Ryan & Brian  Real Estate Team?
13. Any additional notes you would like to provide on a referral?
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