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Performance Request & Reservation Form
Interested in having Fine Arts Institute students perform at your upcoming special event?
Please fill out this form.
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* Indicates required question
Full Name
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
E-mail address
Your answer
Which organization are you affiliated with?
Your answer
What type of event is this?
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Select what you are hoping to have at the performance:
Vocal group
Requested days/dates
Your answer
Requested start/end times
Your answer
Where will the performance take place? (Please provide address and room where event is being held.)
Your answer
Is this an inside or outside location?
Your answer
Is there a stage or will it be on a floor/ground level?
Your answer
Is a sound system available?
Name of the contact person from the venue who will be at the event to work with:
Your answer
What is the contact person's cell phone number?
Your answer
Is there an intermission or announcement time that needs to occur?
Your answer
What is the anticipated attendance count?
Your answer
What is the dress code for the event?
Your answer
Are you able to provide remuneration for the performance?
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