Application Form for The TPD Introductory Module
All fields mark with * are required.
First name *
Other names *
Email *
Phone no.: *
Postal Address *
TSC Number *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Name of School/ Work Station *
Type of School *
Indicate  the teacher  category you belong to *
Teacher *
Name of County where your school is situated
Name of Sub County where your school is situated *
Name of Sub county where you prefer to take the TPD courses over the school holidays *
Length of service in the teaching profession *
What position of leadership do you hold in your school? *
If Question above is "Other" kindly specify the position of leadership you hold
Thank you for choosing to register for the Teacher Professional Development Programme at Kenyatta University
You can  use the Pay Bill Mode of Payment (KU TPD) :  Business Number: 960509     Account Number ( Indicate Your TSC Number)

You can also pay via :  Equity Bank Limited A/C No. 0180290518859 . Cooperative Bank of Kenya A/C 01129062461400. Family Bank A/C No.045000023316. National Bank of Kenya A/C No 01003059150801

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