Family Weekend at Drexel Chabad
Sign up below for fun-filled Family Weekend with Drexel Chabad!
Dec 6-7 2024


Friday, Dec. 6

4:17 pm Candle lighting
6:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat (services)
6:30 pm Shabbat Dinner 

Shabbat (Saturday), Dec. 7

1:00 pm Shabbat Lunch

Sat. Night

7:30 pm Celebration of Jewish Life. Meat dinner to be served 

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Your first name *
Your last name *
Email address *
Cell number (optional)
How many people will be attending in total *
I am a/an *
Names of attendees *
(please specify parents, grandparents, children etc
Please select events you'll be attending *
Sat. Night 7:30 pm Celebration of Jewish Life. Meat dinner will be served  *
Help cover the cost of the weekend, become a Sponsor!
Donation instructions on next page
We look forward to greeting you personally!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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