Ryan's Science Request Form
Fill out the form below if you're interested in a freely shareable science communication video on a specific topic!
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I created "Ryan's Science" in 2020 as a way to share scientific research with anyone and everyone! Here's an image from my YouTube channel in case you aren't familiar with the kinds of topics already available.
Name *
Twitter handle (if applicable, so I can thank you for the suggestion later!)
Are you a teacher or professor? *
Area of research you want to see more of on Ryan's Science (e.g., psychology, physics)? *
What paper(s) or topic(s) would you like to see covered? *
How would you use this video if it was available? (e.g., personal use, in classroom, or anywhere else) *
Are there any other papers or topics that you'd like to see covered so you can use them as teaching materials, etc.?
Any other comments?
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