AkaiCon 2024 Group Photoshoot Sign Up
This application allows our AkaiCon Attendees to organize group photoshoots with friends and fellow fans of the same series of fandom. This application does not guarantee a scheduled group photoshoot, but we will do our best to accommodate your requests. If you are accepted for a group photoshoot, we will notify you of the specifics regarding your photoshoot.


-Photoshoots must not occupy any “non-convention” related buildings or spaces – we do not have permission or are licensed to use the additional buildings outside of the Farm Bureau Expo Center & TN Building. If you are found vandalizing or destroying any property of AkaiCon or Farm Bureau Expo Center/TN Building you will risk legal action, financial responsibility, and removal from the convention permanently, without ticket refund, indefinitely.

-All members/photographers of the group photoshoot must have a Ticket to AkaiCon to participate

-Multiple applications for the same fandom will be combined

-Groups will be assigned an AkaiCon Staff Photographer if you select "No" on the application for already having a photographer for your shoot

-Photoshoots must be PG and on AkaiCon/Farm Bureau Expo Center/TN Building grounds to qualify as an official AkaiCon group photoshoot

-No photoshoots are allowed before opening or after closing of Farm Bureau Expo Center/TN Building or AkaiCon events

*Please contact akaiconprogramming@gmail.com if you have any questions

Thank you for your support!

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First Name *
Please list your legal name. Preferred names or nicknames can be listed below.
Last Name *
Please list your legal name. Preferred names or nicknames can be listed below.
Preferred Name
Email Address: *
What series/fandom is your group photoshoot from? *
Day Preference *
Time Preference *
No photoshoots are allowed before opening or after closing of Farm Bureau Expo Center or AkaiCon events.
Do you have a photographer? (If you select "No" you will be assigned an AkaiCon Staff Photographer.) *
Who is your Photographer? *
Would you prefer your photoshoot to be indoors or outdoors? (Weather Dependent) *
Any additional information we need to know?
Agreement of Terms *
I certify that the information contained within this application is true and correct to the best of my ability. (Your full name hereby acts as a digital signature below. Please use the same name as filled out on your application)
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