UCC's Financial Aid Night Presentation Registration
Welcome high school counselors!

It is that time to schedule your Financial Aid Night Presentation. The presentation can be offered to your high school seniors and their parents either in person or virtually using zoom. I will follow up with dates for January that will be available for FAFSA Application Nights as the FAFSA opens on December 31 to apply. Please fill out the document completely and select a presentation date. If the Financial Aid Night Presentation will be done virtually please let me know in advance by phone (541) 440-7645 or email Ben.Horvath@umpqua.edu so I can send you the zoom link to share with your seniors and their parents.
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Name of High School *
Full Name of High School Representative *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Financial Aid Night Presentation Dates *
High school counselors once your registration has been received you will be sent an email confirming the date. Please contact me at least 24 hours in advance if a cancelation happens or rescheduling is necessary.

If your Financial Night Presentation is requested virtually please let me know 48 hours in advance so I can send you the zoom link that you will want to share with your high school seniors and their parents.   .

The Financial Aid Nights Presentation will be about 45 minutes with time after for Q's & A's. As well assisting with the FSA ID account creation. 

For the FAFSA Application Night this event will become schedulable in January and forward from there as the 2024-2025 FAFSA will open to apply by December 31, 2023. This event can only be done in person with access to either a computer lab or laptops. As well the FSA ID will need to be created 1 to 3 days prior to the FAFSA Applicaiton Night. 

Thank you!
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