Girls For Climate Action - Membership   
Introduction: Girls For Climate Action is a movement of Young women and Girls that are centering their experiences to drive climate action and advocate for climate Justice.   #

Do you want to join the movement? Please register your membership, after your registration, your application will be reviewed and feedback will be provided. Thank you for showing interest.

Eligibility :
  • Girls and young women between the age of 14- 35 years
  • Based in any country
  • Can register as an individual or an organisation
Email *
Personal Information:
First Name *
Last Name *
Age *
Gender *
Email *
Country *

2. Membership Information:

Are you registering as an individual or part of an Organisation?
Why do you want to join the movement? 
Do you want to serve as a volunteer on the committee? 
Are you part of any other movements? 
if non Ugandan, Do you want to start a chapter in your country? 
Are you interested in volunteering or serving on any committee?
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