Signed Book Request Form
Thanks for your interest in my books and it's exciting to be sending you a signed and inscribed copy! Please fill out the short form below and you'll receive a payment invoice by email to finalize the transaction before your order is shipped. Signed books are all $25+tax with free shipping!
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Please select which signed/inscribed book(s) you'd like to order.
Multiple books can be ordered and will ship together to the below address for free!
Full Name of Recipient:
This is the name that will appear written on the inscription. (Double-check spelling!)
Recipient or Your Full Mailing Address:
Write everything that should appear on the package. This is where the book will be delivered and does NOT have to be your billing address.
Anything else you'd like to note?
Can be about the inscription, additional options, local pick up, etc. Let me know!
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