Be The Expert Mastermind
Please take a few minutes to answer these questions so that we can tailor our content to be most relevant to you please
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Email *
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Which Best Describes You? *
How Many Units Did You Close Last Year? *
What Was Your Sales Volume Closed Last Year?
What Are Your Top 3 Lead Sources Right Now?
What is Your Lead Generation/Marketing Budget Monthly?
What is the number one thing you need help with or a topic you would like to see in future sessions? *
I would like to have a 30 minute confidential  business assessment to uncover opportunities in my business? *
I would like to learn more how I can leverage Zillow FLEX top grow my business and If I qualify to be a FLEX partner? *
I would like to understand  how I can leverage the Real Estate Experts Platform to grow my business ? *
If you attended one of our events, how would you rate the event? *
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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